We don't have a choice

on whether WE DO social media,

The Question is how well we Do it.

Social Media Marketing

Your brand is a living, breathing, dynamic entity with a personality of its own. And, just like the over 4.59 billion (and rising) number of social media users, it requires a social media presence to express itself.

It is likely that most of your prospects check your brand's online presence, scroll through reviews and notice whether you are responsive before making a buying decision. You always need to be connected, updated and engaged with your audience to gain and maintain their trust. You always need to be a part of their community.

Digital Googly, one of the best social media marketing companies in Kolkata, will provide your brand with the voice and personality it needs to resonate with your prospects.

Our Aim

  • Make you noticeable and reachable.

  • Create a brand image that will resonate with your prospects.

  • Help you stay connected and engaged with your audience.

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Why Choose Us?

We will help you attract new followers and retain your current customers with our expert social media marketing service. Stay connected with your social media community through the expert guidance of Digital Googly, one of the best social media marketing agencies in Kolkata.
Our service involves the following –

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Social Media Plan

We build personalized and comprehensive social media plan.

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Social Media Postings

We plan your postings in a way to give you maximum reach, engagement and leads.

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Spam Monitoring

Spammers are widely prevalent on social media and they can have a significant negative impact on your brand image. We monitor spammers and address them accordingly to keep your image untainted.

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Reputation Management

We build and manage your online reputation.

best social media marketing company in Kolkata
Social Account Setup

Our experts will help you establish your business account on social media.

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Content Creation

We have a strong team of content creators and graphic designers to produce relevant and persuasive content to engage your followers.

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Social Media Listening

We identify and assess the conversations that are taking place about your brand on social media.